Do you want to read faster and smarter?

Do you have challenges getting focused while reading? Do you skim lines?
Metaguiding can help you getting more focused and accelerate your reading speed.

1. Grab your favorite ebook in epub format

We support epub (non-drm) ebooks. EPub is the standard format for eBooks and you should be able to use it in a variety of e-readers

2. Submit it to our Metaguiding Service

You can use our FREE metaguiding service to transform your ebook into the metaguided format.
Try it now!

3. Read it on your favorite e-reader

Send it to your e-reader using your library management software and start reading more focused and faster
Now Available!
Want to accelerate your reading speed and focus using your favorite e-reader?

Try it now!

Supported formats: epub

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Read faster,
Learn smarter.

No more skimming.
Better focus.

What is metaguiding?

Metaguiding is a technique that can be used to improve speed reading. The basic idea is to use a finger or other object to guide your eyes along the line of text. This can help you read faster because it allows you to quickly absorb more information. Additionally, it can help you to avoid re-reading words or lines, which can slow you down. Metaguiding also avoids skimming, which is when you read quickly but don’t take in all the information.

Metaguiding techniques

If you’re interested in trying metaguiding, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to practice to get used to the technique. Second, it’s essential to find a method that works for you. Some people prefer a physical object, while others find it easier to use a virtual object. Our service creates virtual anchors on the text for you, preventing your eyes from skipping words, and helping your brain to stay focused.

Try it out!

If you’re looking for a way to improve your speed reading, metaguiding may be worth a try. With a little practice, you may find that it helps you to read faster and more efficiently. Statistically, people who use our metaguiding technique read 30% faster, improving their comprehension and overall reading experience.
Try it now!

Try our Calibre plugins today

You can use our FREE api services directly inside Calibre, through our integrated Calibre plugins.